The CVP Effectiveness Test

One of the first considerations in your marketing strategy should be your customer value proposition (CVP). Essentially this is determining the factors that your customers place the most value on when it comes to your products and services. Building a CVP is an essential component of any successful marketing strategy.

When a customer purchases a product or service, it is done so for a price against a number of benefits they expect to receive. Products with many desired benefits demand a higher price, and those with fewer benefits sell at a lower price.

A mistake we often see is companies overloading their CVPs. This can confuse customers. The most successful CVPs consist of only a handful of benefits.

Once you’ve built your customer value proposition, how do you test whether the benefits will be valued? The answer is the 3D test. If the benefits that make up the offer pass the test, you can be confident that your CVP is on the right track.

Take a look below and assess your CVP against the 3D test: