B2B International Research Explores the Key CX Challenges Faced by B2B Marketers in 2020

Our latest study of 300 b2b marketing and insights has revealed customer experience to be the top overall business challenge for 2020.

The findings of the research, featured this week in MarketingProfs, show that 54% of b2b marketers cite “customer experience and loyalty” as the current marketing strategy their organization is focusing on in 2020.

55% also say “customer experience research” is the research approach they expect to be most useful over the next two years.

This comes as no surprise when you consider that organizations have made little progress in recent years when it comes to improving CX.

But what exactly are these organizations struggling with when it comes to delivering an excellence customer experience? And when it comes to today’s CX leaders, what are they doing differently than the rest?

For a full look at the findings, including some key insights on what makes a CX leader, read the full article on the MarketingProfs website.