Personalization High on the Agenda for B2B Marketers

A recent B2B International survey of marketing and insights professionals across North America and Europe has found that personalization is a top b2b marketing strategy for 2020 and beyond.

The survey findings, as featured in this ANA article, revealed that 71% expect “people-based marketing (i.e. direct targeting of individuals)” to influence their marketing and insights strategies over the next two years.

“Deep insights into our customers/stakeholders” and “influencer marketing” also scored highly in the research, indicating that b2b brands are embracing a customer-first mindset when it comes to developing content and messaging, and planning their distribution strategies.

To read the full results of the survey, plus our analysis on the implications for b2b marketers and brands and some best practices when it comes to personalization, read the full article on the ANA website.