Why Brands Should Not Deprioritize CX When Times Get Tough

While uncertainty often leads to brands hitting pause on activities and campaigns in an attempt to cut costs, there are certain programs which should remain untouched.

One of these is customer experience research and tracking studies.

In fact, with customer needs and expectations changing constantly, it’s never been more important to keep your finger firmly on the pulse of customer needs to ensure your brand is perfectly placed to serve your customers now and in the future.

And it’s this topic that Nick Hague went deep on in a recent podcast interview with Matt Wolach of Xsellus.

Tune in to this episode of the ‘Saas-Story in the Making’ podcast to learn:

  • The 4 key dichotomies that have arisen in b2b markets over the past 12 months
  • Why CX progress has stalled among brands
  • Why CX should not be deprioritized when times get tough
  • How to align sales and customer experience to increase loyalty

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