In this information age, we have access to far more competitive data, far more quickly, than we have ever had. However, the amount of information available to us does not necessarily correlate with its value. The most useful competitive intelligence cannot be easily found on the internet; tapping directly into the market through primary research can yield much more actionable results.


Information is out there if you know where to look

B2B International’s customized Competitive Intelligence solutions are specially designed to meet your company’s unique information needs. We offer services including:
  • Company investigation via governmental and publicly-held records
  • Competitor website analysis
  • Press analysis – using news aggregators, journal / periodical subscriptions and databases
  • Obtaining data from sales forces, account reps and other stakeholders
  • Research on competitor prices
  • Interviews with the competition, including mystery shopping
  • Interviews with current and lapsed customers
  • Interviews with industry experts, including the supply chain (distributors, integrators), associations, peer groups and independent thought leaders

Comprehensive competitor intelligence studies

B2B International’s competitor intelligence studies are designed to be as detailed and as wide-ranging as your organization requires. Our research will provide a comprehensive outline of your competitive environment, as well as detailed profiles of key competitors, covering a wide variety of subjects including:
  • Company features and perceived / actual performance
  • Views on the supplier from buyers and the channel
  • Financial results and reports
  • Strategic plans
  • Data on mergers and acquisitions
  • Product trends
  • Marketing activity

A sound strategy leads to an actionable solution

Our competitive intelligence solutions can give your organization the competitive edge, arming you with the strategic intelligence which puts you ahead of the market curve, and enabling you to realize your organization’s potential and move towards your unique vision.

B2B International has vast amounts of experience in international markets across diverse sectors, from construction and industrial manufacturing, through to the insurance and financial industry.

Click the link below to read more about the benefits of competitive intelligence:

Competitive intelligence review
If your organization operates in a competitive market, B2B International can assist you with a Competitive Intelligence Review.
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