
Confessions of a Logo Changer

One thing we have learned in researching business-to-business brands is, when it comes to changing your logo, proceed with caution. It is surprising how often marketers feel the need to mess with their logos. Perhaps it is a sign of power or boredom ...

Written by B2B International

Generating New Product Ideas

New products breathe life into a product portfolio. “New” is one of the most powerful words in the marketing vocabulary and every company needs to see a significant proportion of its product lineup graced with this adjective. This is something we ...

Written by B2B International

Sales Vs Marketing: What Is The Difference?

In life, strengths can also be weaknesses. This is certainly the case in business-to-business companies where there is often tension between the sales and marketing teams. In b2b companies, the sales teams are usually top dogs. Business-to-business c ...

Written by B2B International

Pricing Research: Pricing Strategies For New Products

We talk a lot about the search for new products and how important it is to have new products within a product portfolio. It is a fundamental determinant of a new product’s success to conduct pricing research and to formulate the right pricing strat ...

Written by B2B International

The Importance of Communicating With Your Stakeholders

Introduction Understanding your stakeholders is vital in modern-day business. This includes listening to the views and beliefs of stakeholders as well as seeking their feedback. After all, these are the people who will shape and influence future succ ...

Written by B2B International

The Significance of Market Share

The ultimate proof of a successful marketing strategy is a high market share: the higher, the better. This should not be at the expense of profits; any fool can give their products away—but more on this later. Once attained, market dominance brings ...

Written by B2B International

Managing International Market Research Campaigns

It is not unusual nowadays to design a market research campaign covering many countries. This isn’t unreasonable as most corporates service global markets and must understand their different needs. However, international studies bring with them a n ...

Written by B2B International

An Introduction To Market Intelligence

Using market intelligence Information is everywhere. A quick internet search can uncover a whole array of information on any number of topics, with information on customers, suppliers, competitors, distributors and the latest market trends all waitin ...

Written by B2B International

Gamification and its role in B2B market research

What is this word “gamification”? It wasn’t in dictionaries ten years ago, so is it just another marketing fad? Gamification may be new but games are not. We have been programmed to play and enjoy games since we were children. A game is a form ...

Written by Kyle Cockett & Paul Hague